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Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Spot the hidden messages in these logos

Did you know that some big brands like FedEx, BMW, and Toblerone amongst many others have hidden messages in their logo?

Shivali Best of Mailonline, has revealed some of the meanings of these brand logos  we have known but couldn't identify for many years.

Amazon - arrow points from A to Z, representing the range of products, and also looks like a smile, to represent customer satisfaction

Sony VAIO - The 'V' and 'A' together make up the analogue signal, while the IO resembles binary code.

Formula 1 - With the black F, and the red pattern signifying speed on display, the 1 comes in when you look at the negative space between the two

Toblerone - A white bear is hidden in the negative space in the yellow mountain

Gillette - The Gillette logo features two blade shape cuts in the G and i, representing the sharp presicion of the firm's razors 

BMW - The white sections in the middle represent the parts of a moving propeller, while the blue segments represent the sky

FedEx - There is an arrow hidden between the E and x


  1. As a brand expert, thr is always sonethg new to learn any time i come here.weldone.

  2. Good job brandroom... #toksybsaysso


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